Dear Friends,
It is an honor to serve you in the Washington State Legislature.
I have a passion to help people in need. I have traveled the district and knocked on tens of thousands of doors- each one inspiring me to do more. They would tell me that their property rights were being violated, that their businesses were continuing to take financial hits or that they had lost their job. I heard about excessive regulations that were choking growth and how criminals were taking advantage of the system or how our children’s education is suffering. They needed someone to fight for them. I am proud to answer that call.

I was born and raised in Allyn, Washington. I married my childhood sweetheart Dinah and we have 3 beautiful daughters- Alyssa, Megan and Sarah, and 6 amazing grandchildren. Community means everything to our family. We frequently work on projects together and lend a hand wherever we can. My passion for helping our neighbors began with my parents as they brought me to many events and projects that needed people to get involved in order to succeed. I was just a little guy, but it made quite the impression on me and at 16 I began volunteering for our local fire department. I was encouraged to respond to calls directly from school and my teachers were proud of me- even wanting updates. I won’t lie, it was a lot of work, but it was also a lot of fun. There is nothing that compares to joy you feel when you can make a difference in someone’s life. I then went on to become one of the youngest EMTs in Washington State before starting my career as a professional firefighter in my home county. I attended North Mason High School and the Kitsap Peninsula Vocational Skill Center. Vocational skills are something every student should be able to take advantage of and graduate with a marketable skill- out the gate. If you have faith in kids to do the right thing and give them the opportunities, you will be amazed by the results. I believe it is our job to encourage them and to give them the tools they will need to succeed, along with the experiences that will help them achieve their goals. Every student has a success story in their future, lets help them uncover it. It is an honor to serve you in the Washington State Legislature. I am on the Local Government, Transportation, and Community Safety, Juctice, and Reentry committees. In addition, I was elected to leadership as the House Republican Whip in 2019 by my peers. I enjoy advocating for ALL my constituents and have an open door and accessible phone- feel free to contact me about anything, anytime. Making a positive difference in the lives of our citizens is an amazing job and I am happy to work for you.
Million to Benefit District